Monday, March 7, 2016

Baptism date!

This week has been interesting.  Tuesday we had a fun lesson with Imelda and ended up setting a baptism date! She's super awesome and just really wants to change her life.  She's so sweet, and hopefully she will be ready to be baptized on April 2! Then we also have a challenge as a mission to teach the restoration at least once each day for this whole month. Soooo we have been getting sort of creative. We ended up teaching it to a nonmember who doesn't want to be taught, but teaches us Spanish. She just corrected us on our pronunciation, but it was good!

Wednesday was a really rough day for us, but by the end of the day it ended up being a crazy productive day. Usually a good day for us is having 2 lessons, and that's on the days when we have all day to go visit people.  Somehow on Wednesday we managed to have 5 lessons, 2 of which were member present lessons which we are lucky to get 3 in one week, so it was awesome to get 2 in one day.  We also figured out that one of our eternigators who is dating a member finally is starting to accept the gospel and gain her own testimony. So that was really cool too! We also had a member present lesson with this lady who had referred one of her friends to us. It was cool because the lady drove 40 minutes south to come pick up her friend and bring her to a lesson with us. We also ended up teaching 4 people the restoration!

The rest of the week was pretty normal. We have been working with this less active member named Josie, and she's came to church for the past 2 weeks and turns out our ward mission leader was in her ward before.  They offered to give her a ride every Sunday which was a miracle, because we always have to find rides for her.

Saturday the zone leaders gave everyone in our zone a bike so now we are kind of biking missionaries! We used them on Sunday, and it was pretty fun. I still need to figure out how to ride a bike with a dress on though! Sunday was also good, because we finally got 2 investigators and 2 less actives to church!! It was really cool because the members were so nice to them and would invite them to come sit with them, so we just got to sit back and enjoy it!

Something that really stuck out to me this week while I was studying was when I was reading 2 Nephi 26. I really love that chapter, but I think my favorite part of it is how Christ repeatedly tells us that He will never turn us away. He tells us that He will never turn us away no matter what. I've found a lot on my mission that people are afraid to pray and talk to a God, because they feel like He is upset with them because they have sinned.  However, I know that our Heavenly Father and our Savior will never turn us away. They are calling for us and want us to return to them. I love the quote from a talk by Scott C. Grow from April 2011 general conference that says: "With the exception of sins of perdition, there is no sin or transgression, pain or sorrow, which is outside of the healing power of His Atonement."  I know that the atonement is infinite and that someday we will stand before our Savior, and He will be standing there calling us with open arms. I'm so grateful for the gospel and the power it had given me through all of the hard times in my life.
I hope you have a great week! I love you so much!

 Hermana Burgoyne

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