Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Zach's call

I'm so excited for Zach! That is super cool! We should probably just take a trip to France once he gets back :).

There have been a few really cool miracles this week!  So for one, I told you about how we got a referral from a member in El Rio last week for his mom and sister. Well his mom's name is Ramona. She is a super sweet little old lady. We had a couple of lessons with her this week. At first she didn't seem all too interested in our message, but she would let us teach her a bit. Then Saturday she went to her granddaughter Arely's (me and Hermana Flake taught her when we were serving together) baptism. It was really cool because we were all so excited that Arely was finally getting baptized after almost a year of investigating the church, but also because the last transfer I was in El Rio her dad got baptized, and finally now we are teaching his mom! It would be super cool if she got baptized too! Anyway, when we originally asked Ramona if she was excited about Arely being baptized she was really indifferent to it, but during it the spirit was super duper strong and she was in tears. It was cool to see how it changed her just by being able to see someone she loved take that step. After, we went up and talked to her, and she just kept telling us how beautiful it was. It was also fun, because I got to see a bunch of the people I have been missing since I left.

Another miracle this week is that we finally had another lesson with our investigator Liz. This month we've had a goal to teach the restoration every single day, and we are very lucky that we haven't had a lot of problems teaching it. One of the blessings that I've seen from it was with Liz. Hermana Townley and I were knocking about a month ago, and we ran into her. She had been suffering a lot at the time due to some things going on in her family. We went over and shared some scriptures occasionally to try and help her, but we never really got the chance to sit down and have a real lesson. Originally we didn't feel like we should start by teaching her about the restoration, because we didn't think it related well to her situation.  We decided to plan to teach her about the Atonement and the gospel of Jesus Christ. But obviously God knew better because for about a month we were unable to get in contact with her and we were super upset about it. But then when we got the challenge to try teaching the restoration as much as possible we decided that if we saw her we would just teach her that.

We were going to a lesson that we had planned with her next door neighbor last Tuesday, but she wasn't there. Right when we were about to leave, I felt prompted to go and try Liz one last time. So we went to her door not really expecting her, but when we got there she opened it and let us right in! The even cooler part was that she opened up to us and told us about how she had been looking for some more direction in her life for her and her family, but she felt that the church she was baptized into wasn't providing her enough of that. She told us how she was looking for answers and praying for God's guidance. It was really cool, because we were able to testify to her about how we knew the restoration would change and bless her life so much, and how we knew God had sent us there as an answer to her prayers. She had us come back the next day, and we were able to teach her the restoration. She is super interested and just wants to do anything she can to start living the Gospel. Anyways we have a lesson with her tonight so we are hoping to put her on date for baptism.
Anyways lots of other really cool things have happened this week too. I've received a lot of answers to my prayers and a lot of direction on the things I could be doing better to magnify my calling. I'm so grateful for the chance I have to serve God right now and help bring others to him! I just hope I can always do the very best I can!
I love you! Have a good week!
Hermana Burgoyne

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