Monday, March 14, 2016

The Work Goes On!

This week we had a lot of miracles. First miracle was at zone meeting on Wednesday we got s referral from a recent convert in El Rio who's daughter (Arely) Hermana Flake and I taught and who is getting baptized this week. Anyways he referred us to his mom and sister who live in our area. Soooo we went over to try them a few times and we finally had a lesson with his mom last night! She actually seems interested. It would be so cool if she got baptized because we would just be gradually helping their whole family join the church! Anyways she really wants to go to church on Sunday with her grand daughters and she's already planning on going to the baptism for Arely this weekend since ya know she's her grandma and all, but yeah!
Also we have this really awesome investigator named Ana! I didn't know if I've talked about her before, but we have been teaching her for a while. She comes to church every single Sunday without fail and has a really strong testimony. She already knows a lot about the gospel because she has a really strong faith in her Christian church and at first she wasn't very open to listening, but overtime she started being more accepting of our message. She just was really struggling because her boy friend has been pressuring her to join our church and she wasn't so sure if she knows it's true. So we gave her a little break for like a month and finally went back last week and turns out she's finally starting to develop a testimony of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith! Anyways she's pretty much golden. I mean she already pays tithing, fasts, and pretty much lives the teachings of the gospel. but she can't get baptized right now because she is living with her boy friend and money and stuff like that kind of makes it difficult, but hopefully sometime soon they will be able to get married!
Friday was just crazy! Usually we try not to schedule things all day that day so we have time to do weekly planning, but for some reason here they all want us to come over on Fridays. Anyways we had an appointment with the friend of a referral that we had been looking for. She wasn't there, but her friend was and so we taught her the restoration and she wants us to come back this Friday! Then we hadn't been planning on trying this less active hat we had been teaching, but she got a job so whenever we try her she isn't home, but for some reason Hermana Munk felt prompted to go try her and we did and she was home!! Then we went to go visit a less active member we had an appointment with and when we got there his neighbor who we have been teaching, but haven't seen in a few weeks drove up and came over to talk to us and asked us if we were going to have a lesson! We ended up having an unplanned member present lesson and taught the plan of salvation!
Anyways yesterday the new Easter video came out! It's pretty good! Yesterday we had a lesson with some of my favorite members here and we had been planning on teaching about how God is our loving Heavenly Father, but changed our minds last minute and shared the video. But then when I shared it and John 3:16 popped into my head. Anyways we had s really awesome discussion about how God loves us and his ultimate sign of love is by sending our lord Jesus Christ to the earth to save us. I'm so grateful for all my Savior has done for me. I know that through him we can all return to live with God. I'm just so grateful forge chance to share this with others! I love you all so much! I hope you have a good week! Love you!
Hermana Burgoyne 

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