Monday, February 8, 2016

Teaching a Preacher!

Hi! I'm doing super great! How are you?

My sad story of the week is that the baptism is probably not going to happen, because they didn't come to church the last Sunday. We invited them, even got them rides, and everything, but I think the date may have scared them or something. But that's ok, because each failed baptism date means we are one more closer to a successful one! We may end up dropping them, because we tried going over earlier this week.  They told us they were busy, and that they would call us when they had time. Such a bummer!

On the bright side though, we saw even more miracles this week! I'm not sure if it's because I've been paying more attention and counting my blessings a little better this transfer, or if this transfer has just had more miracles than the others.  However, I've seen something amazing happen every single day!

On Monday night we had an awesome lesson with this really cute couple we knocked into while looking for a less active in our branch. They are super sweet and the lesson went super well, even though I had a really sore throat and didn't feel so good from hiking that morning.

Tuesday was cool, because we had a lesson with a lady named Isabel. She is super awesome and totally ready for the gospel.  She is just a bit hard to get a hold of, but we had a great lesson with her and her daughter and grandchildren. We also went by to visit a former investigator who we had dropped a few weeks ago just to ask for a referral. The funny thing is she referred us to her 12 yr old daughter. So now we are teaching her! She is super duper cute and she looks like she is 15, but turns out she is 2 days younger than Natalie. I love working with girls her age. We actually had our first lesson with her yesterday. At first she didn't want to be taught or listen, but we got to know her and now she is excited about it and wants to come to the mutual activities!

On Wednesday two really awesome things happened! For one, we were knocking in the area of a referral we received when we came up to a house and this lady answered. She didn't seem very interested and told us she didn't have time right then. Then all of a sudden, she started crying and telling us about how something had happened to her daughter. We just testified of Jesus Christ's power to comfort us, and asked if we could pray with her.  After she opened up to us, and she asked us to come back and visit her this week! We didn't even have to ask! We also had a lesson with a less active in our ward and asked her for a referral.  She told us we should come teach her friend Reina who we had met at our dinner appointment last week. I had given her a Book of Mormon hoping that some good would come out of it, and it turns out she has been reading it!

Thursday, I ate a habanero!  It's wasn't too bad. That night we also got referred to go visit a preacher. He let us right in and we should have suspected it, but then he just started bible bashing us and telling us how we need to actually talk to God. It was really intimidating, but I just felt prompted to share with him Moroni 10:3-5.  It was basically what he was saying all of a sudden the Spirit just rushed into the room. It was really cool. I was reading earlier this week in Alma 31 which is one of my favorite chapters because it's all about pleading with God for help when we feel weak and we can't keep going.  My comp and I were both feeling that way since we've been working hard and have tons of people to teach, but none of them are progressing towards baptism. Anyways, it helped me a lot. But I also love verse 5 because it teaches us that the word of God has more power than the sword, and I found that to be really true during that lesson.

Friday we went to go try Isabel again. She didn't have time for a lesson, but we met her friend Claudia! Isabel was explaining to her how we teach her about God, and she showed her the pamphlet we had left with her to read. Right away Claudia walked over and said that she wanted to read it and learn more! We have a lesson with them both tonight! It was crazy because she even told us she wants to learn more, even if Isabel isn't there.

Anyways that's just a few of the cool things that happened this week!

I hope you have a great week! I love you lots! Let me know if you need anything!


Hermana Burgoyne

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