Monday, January 4, 2016

Transfer week

Sooooo this week has been crazy!  For one, we had transfer calls Saturday, and I am going to be serving in Los Reales.  It is just the southern part of Tucson, so I'm literally just making my way around Tucson. They are closing down my area in El Dorado.  Anyways, I'm excited and a little nervous, but hopefully it will be good! 
This week has been full of miracles!  We had amazing things happen every single day!
Anyways Monday: we had a rough day.  No one was home so we were kinda upset, but then we went to go do language study at the church, and we ran into some elders there who had a referral for us! Now we are teaching this really cute little boy named Aiden.  His uncle’s family are members, and he goes to church with him. He's literally the smartest 8 year old I've ever met!
Tuesday: we had our first lesson with Aiden. There was a really awkward moment when we were in the middle of teaching him and the elders showed up. Turns out they had gotten his referral 2 weeks ago, but hadn't gone to see him yet. So we got to teach him! Blessings from being quick to try out referrals! We were also able to finally have a lesson with Josefina, one of our other investigators. She's amazing! She had done all the homework we had left for her, and so now she is a progressing investigator!
Wednesday: we felt prompted to try a less active lady who is never home, although we had tried her the day before. Anyways, we got there and one of her friends was babysitting. Turns out she is from Mexico and the missionaries have been visiting with her. We ended up having a great lesson with her!
Thursday: we sent the English elders a referral for a less active in their ward that we accidentally contacted. When we talked to her she's like maybe it's a sign to come back to church. Then right after we sent the info to them apparently they walked into her, and she was like well I guess since you're like the 3rd pair of missionaries I've ran into I better come back to church. Anyways she went to church yesterday!
Friday: we tried a referral from one of our investigators. He turned out super interested! He is English. We also got a few other referrals, so that's awesome!
Saturday: I can't really remember what happened besides calls this day, but it was good!
Sunday: we had a lesson with our next door neighbor who is super baptist and not really willing to listen, but since both of us are going they both decided to ask us a bunch of questions, and we taught them a full on lesson! Angie is still kinda skeptical, but Wednesday, her mom, loves it! 
I'm so grateful for the chance to serve here.
Love you!

Hermana Burgoyne

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