Monday, June 27, 2016

Leaving Tucson!

This week was transfer calls, and guess what! I'm finally leaving Tucson! I'm getting transferred about an hour south to Nogales, so right on the border! I'm super excited. I went on exchanges there last transfer, and now I'm super excited to actually get to go serve down there. My companion is going to be Hermana Sands.  She's only been out for about 4 months, so that will be fun. I'm a little sad though because it means I have to leave Los Reales and all of these people that I love so much! But I guess my work here is done and now the Lord needs me in Nogales!

This week we did a lot of stuff. We taught a lot of lessons, but overall it was a pretty normal week, I can't think of anything too exciting to say. We said bye to a lot of people yesterday since Hermana Garcia is going home, and I'm leaving. Goodbyes are really really sad. Last night we had a lesson with Nayeli who is an 11 yr old girl in our ward who is less active. It was so sad saying bye to her. I felt like I was saying bye to one of my little sisters :(. She's one of my favorite people to teach. Every time we go over we have a cute little lesson, and she gets so excited to sing a primary song at the end. Then we leave her a verse to read in the Book of Mormon each time and then when we come back she is supposed to have read it and tells us what it's about. Sometimes she even writes it down for us to read. I hope I get to see her sometime again soon!

Yesterday, I also got to give a talk in church. It was funny because it was the day for all the missionaries to talk, and I was supposed to go right after the intermediate hymn. Also just to give a little background our chapel is small, and we have folding chairs instead of pews so usually people just stay in the congregation and get up when it's their turn to speak instead of sitting in front.  It was funny because the elder who was supposed to speak after me got up right after the hymn and, so I just thought he decided to skip me and go speak first.  I just stayed in my seat and let him go. It turns out he thought I would get up too, and he was just going to sit up there and wait while I spoke and so when he got up he got super embarrassed, because I didn't go up with him haha. Oops!
I ended up speaking after and pretty much cutting out half my talk, because I ran out of time!

This week I also learned a lot about listening to the spirit and using it to help me be more patient. Sometimes I really struggle with being patient with other people's imperfections, and it's something I've been working on my entire mission. The other day I was a little frustrated and stressed, and I didn't know what to do.  I just felt this prompting to go and pray, so I did and asked God what I should do to feel better.  Immediately I had a feeling that I needed to go listen to the talk the Healing Ointment of Forgiveness.   I did, and it immediately made me feel so much better! I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who is willing to help me especially with all of my imperfections. It's kind of like it says in Ether 12:27
 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
I know as we go to God he will help us to become the best people we can and will guide us to strengthen our weaknesses.
I love you! Have a good week! I'll be praying for you!

Hermana Burgoyne

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