Monday, June 13, 2016

Julie's baptism

This week was really good! We didn't really do anything for my year mark, just the normal stuff. I think the longer I've been on my mission the less motivated I am to celebrate things.


Julie's baptism was on Saturday! It was super awesome and also really really crazy! We spent most of the week getting ready for it. Thursday night we drove up with our ward mission leader and his wife to try on jumpsuits for her to wear. It was funny because Julie walked out and was like "I feel like I'm in a prison jumpsuit," haha she's really funny. Then Friday we went to have a lesson with her with Hermana Riechert, but we were a bit late so when we got there Hermana Riechert was already outside talking to her. Right as we sat down Julie asked us if there was any way we could move the baptism back a week because her aunt (who lives with her) was in the hospital. We told her we could, but it was going to be pretty hard because there is a bunch going on next week because is stake conference, but we said we could do it next Friday. Anyways we taught her the lesson and at the end Hermana Garcia invited her to pray to ask if she should be baptized on Saturday. So we went to dinner a little upset and worried and kept praying for her aunt to magically heal or for it to work out. Then right after we got a text from her telling us that she was going to get baptized!! Soooooo we had a baptism! It was super awesome!! Her boyfriend got to baptize her which was really cool. The spirit was super strong, the talks were all perfect, and we even convinced all of our elders besides one to do a musical number with us! Also her mom who isn't a member came. They were both smiling by the end of it. Her mom even came to the confirmation on Sunday and came to hug us afterwards. We think she's next. Anyways I'm so grateful for the chance we have to teach her. I've loved watching how she's changed ever since she started to accept the gospel, and I know she's going to grow even more as a member! Its super cute because she said the reason she wanted to be baptized is because she wants to be happy! Also to make it even better we found out later that her aunt came home from the hospital on Saturday and was feeling a lot better! God truly does answer prayers when we pray with lots of faith!


Otherwise this week was pretty awesome. The other night we went and decided to contact this sad man who was on the back of his truck. He was super nice and actually pretty interested, then in the middle of sharing a scripture with him a car drove up and his brother, sister in law and their 5 children got out and started listening to our message. It was awesome because we set up an appointment to go back and see them and we are hopefully going to see them tonight! It's amazing how God blesses us for just talking to one person!


Oh yeah! I also got to pet a porcupine this week!


I love you lots!


Hermana Burgoyne

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