Monday, February 1, 2016

Another Week of Miracles

his week has been crazy, but lots of miracles! The family I was talking about last week is still getting baptized! So the exciting thing is this past week we got to visit them a few times and actually extend a date to them. They are all scheduled to be baptized the 5th of March! They are a little nervous about it, but that's what we are working towards.  The problem is they have yet to be able to come to church. We love them though! We are actually teaching the Mom, her two kids, and one of their cousins who is the niece of the primary president in our ward, so that was a funny coincidence! Their names are Carmen, Deyra (daughter), Luis (son), and Ilene (cousin). They are super awesome, and like I probably said already they get so excited for us to come over.  It's super awesome. Their mom is super awesome too because she is not a member, but we will be teaching lessons and she will agree with everything we say and try to explain everything we teach to her children. It’s cool because she was one of the Hispanics in Tucson who almost shut the door on us because they are Catholic, but now she is totally open and it's great!

There are also some other neat things that happened this week. We were trying really hard to find new less actives to work with in our area, because we don't know many.  We have just been going through our ward list searching for people who for the most part have moved. The cool thing is that although we haven't been able to get in contact with the people we have been looking for in specific we ended up finding others to teach whether it was another less active who had just moved into their house, or a new potential investigator who is willing to learn. One of the best miracles this week was when we had been walking back to our car from a less active’s house and this lady walking around with a stroller just smiled and waved at us.  I didn't think too much of it. Then we drove down the street a little bit and there was the same lady who had been walking her stroller.  She just waves us down and was like hey! Are you missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Of course we said yes, and went over to talk to her.  It turns out she is a less active member who just got baptized a year ago and had kind of fallen away, but she really missed the church and just needed help returning.  She asked us when the soonest we could come over and visit with her was, so we have an appointment with her tomorrow.  We are super excited :)

The last miracle for the week is we were trying to visit some of our investigators, but they weren't home.  We started walking back to the car, and this man from behind us calls and asks us if we would like some water.  We turned around and went over to go talk to him.   It turns out he had felt a prompting to ask us if we needed water. It was cool because at first he didn't seem too interested in our message, but we talked to him about the Book of Mormon. He thought it was the coolest thing that Jesus visited the Americas after His resurrection. It was really awesome. God has definitely been leading us to people who are prepared to hear his message.

Yesterday, I got to give a talk in sacrament meeting about following the prophets. It's kind of funny because I have been on my mission for almost 8 months, and I still have yet to give a talk besides when I was in the MTC so that was really fun. I used the talk from October 2014 by Sister Mcconkie. It's really good and tells the story of Elias and the women who gave him the last of her food. I talked about how the prophets are God's servants and how they ask hard things of us, but when we do them we will be blessed so much. It's also really cool because I spent most of my personal study yesterday preparing for that, so I didn't have much time to prepare for our other lessons.  However, I ended up being totally prepared! I was even able to share some scriptures that I had been studying that totally fit in with our other lesson on obedience and being willing to keep God's commandments and the Spirit was super strong during all of our lessons yesterday. I am just so grateful for the help God gives me and that we can be worthy of the Spirit at all times to guide and direct us!

This week was Hermana Anderson’s Birthday, so I made her a cake and got to smoosh her face into it. It was really fun, I will send you the video, don't worry she was ok and actually she wanted me to do it.   We went on a hike today for p-day.  I will send pictures!
I love you lots and lots! 


Hermana Burgoyne

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