Monday, January 25, 2016

Temple trip

We've seen lots of miracles this week and have been working hard, along with going to the temple and all of our meetings it's been a bit crazy! Anyways we're just a bit tired!

The temple was awesome! It was fun, because we got to borrow the AP's van to drive up there so all the sisters in our zone fit. We listened to music and talks together. The temple was probably the best part :) I honestly wish we could go more than just every 4 months, but that's ok!  Afterwards, we took a bunch of pictures which I don't have yet, but will soon and went out to lunch at this Mexican restaurant that feeds the missionaries for free.  Gila valley loves missionaries. Then after that we all drove back. 

Wednesday we watched a worldwide mission broadcast. I liked it because it was a lot about going back to the basics of missionary work. I feel like it's really easy as missionaries to want to jazz up our message or add on a bunch of frills to make it not so bold.  However, I really liked how it emphasized teaching about the restoration first and basing all our contacts and lessons on that.

Wednesday was also great, because we contacted a former that one of the other sisters had taught when she was here.  She was really excited to see us and not sure why the sisters stop visiting her. We set up an appointment with her for Thursday, so hopefully that will go well!

Thursday, we started the test we are doing in which we can only speak Spanish all day every day.  It's actually really great! I was really nervous at first that it was going to be super hard, but it's been pretty easy. I realized I know a lot more, than I thought! We were also finally able to teach the Restoration to a family we have been trying to teach. It went super awesome! The spirit was super strong, and they all committed to be baptized! They're so cute.  At first the mother just wanted us to come and teach her children about Jesus, but we started teaching her too, and she really liked our message.  It’s super awesome that they want to be baptized. I'm super excited, because the amazing thing about the gospel is.  It’s all centered on families and how we know families can be together forever.  I can’t wait to see them take those steps to be able to receive all the blessings God has instore for us!

Then Saturday the hermano who is doing the study on our Spanish came out with us, and we were able to contact a bunch of people and have 3 lessons with him which was awesome! Not only did he have a lot of great suggestions for our Spanish, but also for how we can improve as missionaries. He taught in the Mtc for a few years and is planning to apply for a job there again in a year or two, so he knows a lot about being a missionary.

Sunday we were all over the place! I feel like it's never really a day of rest as a missionary. We had a bunch of appointments and ward counsel and by the end of it most of our appointments fell through! But that's ok!

Something cool that really hit me this week is that there is a reason that God sends us where He does. He know the needs of His children. It's interesting because there are a lot of people here who let us in and let us teach a little bit, but they never really accept our message. Sometimes it's hard for me to understand why they let us in at all, if they aren't actually interested. But I realized that just by a few seconds of testimony these people can feel the spirit and feel like they need to let us in for a reason they might not recognize. It's kind of like how the scriptures teach that some people are looking for the truth, but they just don't know it. Even if they don't accept our message right now, I know God wants us to plant seeds in these people so hopefully some day they will realize what they are searching for.

Also sometimes I really struggle with being afraid to speak and be bold, but I was reading the scriptures and these parts of the bible really helped me this week:
Romans 8:38-39
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
 Matthew 28:17-20
17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 ¶Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

These reminded me that Christ is always going to be on my side, if I am doing my best to serve others. I love how His love is infinite and how He cares about us. He wants us to trust in him. When we do trust Him, we can do anything.
I love you all! Have a good week!
Hermana Burgoyne

Sent from my iPad

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