Monday, November 21, 2016

Locked in a closet

So this weeks been pretty good! Lots of miracles and a few disappointments. Right now we are teaching lots of people especially less actives. The ward gave us a huge list of people they wanted us to visit which is super convenient, but also a lot of work sorting through those who are ready to listen and those who aren't!

Anyways this week we have found a lot of new investigators. One of them is an elderly man named Gennovo. We contacted him and his friend one day, and they seemed pretty interested, so we went back to Gennovo's house the other day for our appointment and his friend wasn't there, so we went on a little walk to go and see if his friend was home and Gennovo was nice and came with us haha. It probably looked pretty funny because here we are two 20 year old white girls walking down the street slowly with this nice little Mexican man. He's super nice and has invited us over almost every day, but his friend hasn't been there yet. We will see what happens with him!

Tuesday we ended up doing service at the healing house and started sorting and folding bedding and at some point the elders decided it would be really funny to shove me into the closet and lock me in. So that was nice of them, but it's ok because the next time we went I locked one of the elders in!

Wednesday we went to this really good Chinese place for lunch and it was super cheap and they gave us a lot! I ended up having my left overs for lunch for 3 days this week! After we ended up going to see Lisa with our Ward mission leader. We had a super awesome lesson with her and she told us she would be baptized as soon as she knew for herself if it was true! It was kind of cool because earlier that day while preparing to teach her the gospel of Jesus Christ I felt like we really needed to see if she had prayed to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet, and I realized that that's what the elders had invited her to do right before we got here and so we hadn't ever followed up with her! So we invited her to do that and hopefully we will have her on date soon!

Another cool thing that happened this week is we went to see a less active member the other day and ended up having a lesson with her very active daughter Dalia (Dalia has 2 other sisters in the branch along with a few other members of her family, so basically their family makes up half the branch!) She asked us to go try her neighbor Juana because she knew she was going through a rough patch in her life. So the next day we visited her, and she let us right in and even though we were only there long enough to get to know her a bit I felt so much love for her. We were able to testify to her about how the Book of Mormon would be able to help her, and at the very end I felt prompted to tell her how much God loves her and wants to help her. She seemed to be full of hope afterwards even though she is going through some really hard things right now. I know God sent us to her for a reason, and that He is really conscious of our needs! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to help others feel of His love for us daily! I love you lots and hope you have an amazing week!


Con amor,

Hermana Burgoyne 

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