Monday, May 2, 2016

A Visit from Elder Holland

Elder Holland was amazing! It was so cool to get to meet him in person. He has such a funny personality. I really love how he's so amazing at showing his love for everyone, but getting right up into your face and teaching you. He taught us about the Atonement and how the part of the atonement that enables us is the gift of the Holy Ghost and the priesthood. It was really cool too, because he answered a lot of questions that I had and helped me understand things I didn't understand before. He also taught us a lot about being an example to those around you, and how we have one of the heaviest callings in the world, because we are saving souls and there is nothing more important than the worth of a soul. Something that I really liked about the atonement is how he mentioned that the Savior is both our Advocate and our Judge. He taught about how that is what makes everything fair, because he was willing to follow Heavenly Father exactly and demand justice, but through Him we are able to receive mercy and freedom. It explains a little more about that in Mosiah 13:34-35.
Anyways that was super cool! That night we also had two really awesome lessons! Right after the conference we got in our studies, and we headed to the church with the elders to clean so that we could do a church tour with Liz. It ended up going super awesome! We took her around and then ended in the chapel talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was really cool, because by the end of it she decided for herself that she wanted to go to church. I also thought it was cool, because we ended up teaching her a lot about the things that we learned during our mission conference with Elder Holland and Elder Robbins. The spirit was super strong!
Then after that we had a lesson with our new investigator Julie! She is awesome and totally ready to learn! Also it helps because her boyfriend is super excited, and loves helping teach her. They had already watched the Restoration video together before we had got there! We are going to set a baptism date with her on Wednesday :)
Oh Tuesday I got to go back to El Rio on exchanges with Hermana Child and Kerr while Hermana Parker was in a meeting. It was cool because we got to go back and visit Diana Cruz who is one of the people Hermana Flake and I helped reactivate while I was there! She is super active now still which is awesome! Also turns out they are starting to teach Juana again (the super solid investigator what Hermana flake and I were teaching) I hope she progresses well. 
The whole weekend was pretty busy! We had a primary activity that we got to help out with one day and the next was the Relief Society anniversary party ( just imagine a bunch of grown women running around and screaming in Spanish in dresses while we did a mini Olympics haha) we felt a little out of place, but it was fun! It was also cool because right when we were leaving for the party this man named Jose came up to us and asked us about our church. He really wants to turn around his life, so we invited him to church and set an appointment with him thinking nothing of it.  Then the next day at church at the end of sacrament meeting he walked in and sat down with his fiancĂ©e! It was super cool because most people don't actually come when they say they will! Sunday was also a miracle because one less active who we haven't been able to get in contact with who was almost reactivated a month ago finally came back to church, then Hermana Bustamante ( this really sweet lady in our ward) came to church with her cute 3 yet old daughter Abril, and like always Ana and her boyfriend came! So it was a good Sunday!
I hope you are having a good week! I love you a lot! Let me know if I can do anything for you!
Love,  Hermana Burgoyne

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