Monday, May 9, 2016

2 Baptism Dates

This week has been pretty good! Last week I think I told you about Nicole and Jose (that man who contacted us outside our apartment and then came to church the next day with his fiancee).  Well we had another couple of appointments with Nicole. They went super well! She is super interested and has been reading a lot from the Book of Mormon. We had to pass her off to English though because she doesn't speak any Spanish. At our pass off lesson the elders set a baptism date with her for June 4th!

Another miracle that happened this week is that for the past 8 months the sisters who have served here have been trying to get the new address of some less active recent converts in our area. So Hermana Parker and I had been knocking around the apartment complex where we know they live searching for them. Finally, on Tuesday we went out to a lesson with the Laurel’s president in our ward and found out that one of the other young women have their address! So we were able to go and visit with Mia this past week, and she even came to church on Sunday with another less active member Hermana Bustamante and her daughter Valeria! It was awesome!

Wednesday was pretty great too, because we had a lesson with Julie and set a baptism date with her for the 11th of June! She is progressing super well! It was funny because I asked her if she would want to be baptized, and she's like of course! That's the whole reason I had you guys come over to begin with!! It was funny!  She had read almost 40 pages of the Book of Mormon by our second visit with her which was pretty awesome! Also her boyfriend set it up so that we would be able to start visiting her more than once a week, which is awesome. She's super sweet and doing so well!

Saturday Hermana Parker and I went on exchanges with the Sahaurita sisters. It was fun. The girl I was with just started her mission about a month ago which was different for me. I had fun though. She's an English sister, so I got to teach her a little Spanish. We also went to a ward party for Mother’s day that day, and all of the members were trying to talk to her in English so that she would be able to understand. Although she had a hard time with the Spanish she's a pretty awesome missionary. We had a few really good lessons that day with people we usually struggle with teaching.

Then Sunday we obviously skyped home! I was so happy to get to see all of you! I wish we could have talked for longer though! That day was also Elder Pernod's birthday so we made him a cake and celebrated at the church while the other elders we skyping! Besides that not much else had happened this week :)

Something that had really stuck out to me this week while studying a worldwide devotional talk called "The Truth Restored" about Joseph Smith and the first vision is how it mentions in many of the accounts how when Christ spoke to him not only did He tell him not to join any of the churches, but I thought was cool that He forgave him of all of his sins. It mentioned also that the reason he was searching for which church was true was because he wanted to receive that forgiveness that only the full Atonement of Jesus Christ can give us. He was seeking freedom from the guilt and pain that comes from sin. I know that when we act in faith like him and ask of God we will be able to find that peace that comes with repentance. I especially love how after he was forgiven he felt so much joy and peace. I too have felt joy and peace in my life as I strive to come unto Christ and change my life. That's why He gives us His gospel. That's why He restored His true church once again to the earth through Joseph Smith, so that through Christ each of us may be saved from our mistakes and return to live with Him, Heavenly Father, and our families forever.

I love you so much and hope you have an amazing week!

Con amor,

Hermana Burgoyne

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