Monday, November 2, 2015

Priesthood Blessings are awesome!

I am doing really great! I have pretty much been pain free since I checked into the hospital on Wednesday night, so that's pretty awesome! I have just been pretty tired lately :). Friday night we went and had dinner and taught one lesson so nothing too intense. I got really antsy being at home though so Hermana Anderson and I  went and bought water and ice cream while we waited for our companions to get out of mlc.

The hospital wasn't too bad. My back hurt more than anything else, because hospital beds are super uncomfortable. Apparently it was a miracle that I was in very little pain because before the surgery the surgeon thought my appendix wasn't too bad, but they may as well take it out anyways. However after the surgery he told Hermana Flake that it was a miracle that I was in almost no pain, since it was much worse than they thought it was and that it was stuck or something like that.  I don’t know what that means. I know it was because I had gotten a priesthood blessing from the Elders earlier on Wednesday. It was one of the coolest experiences I have ever had, because in it I was promised that I would be able to go out and have the ability to teach a really spiritual lesson that night.  They also promised me that I would no longer be in pain. Right after the blessing Hermana Flake and I went to go teach one of our amazing investigators. Honestly I can't even remember what the lesson was about, but the Spirit was really strong and it was truly a blessing. By the end of the discussion, I felt terrible so we went back and I took a nap.  After sleeping for two hours, it was horrible, so I asked Hermana Flake to call Sister Passey.  She told me that I probably have appendicitis and to go to the hospital. I was freaking out, but by the time we got checked into the emergency room I felt totally fine almost no pain. After an ultrasound and CT scan, they determined it was appendicitis.   After the surgery I was in no pain. It was one of the most amazing miracles I have ever seen. My testimony of the power of priesthood blessings has grown so much this week. I am super grateful for worthy priesthood holders. 

I spent most of my time at the hospital looking at family history because I had nothing else to do. I also got to know President Passey and Sister Passey a lot better haha.  It turns out they lived in Belgium for a few years so we talked about that. Apparently I am their first appendicitis case so that's fun! Also the Hermana we were supposed to have dinner with Thursday night came and visited me which was super sweet of her :)

My Zone leaders are like the best missionaries eve!  On Friday night I was too tired to go get my prescription, so they went to Walgreens super late and got it for me while I slept. They also made us cookies, made Hermana Flake lunch while I was in the hospital, and not to mention the amazing blessing they gave me beforehand. Apparently the lady working the pharmacy was super confused when Elder Stidham walked up to pick up a prescription for Sarah Burgoyne and asked him what his relation was to me.  He told her we are friends....? Anyways they are basically the best! Also a bunch of other missionaries helped a lot to. I am so grateful to be serving around such amazing people!

For my pain they gave me Tylenol 3. I haven't taken much of it though because it makes me super loopy and I am not really in pain. The Zone leaders did forget to tell me not to take 2 of them unless the pain didn't stop with one, so everyone really enjoyed how confused I was at service Saturday morning. It was pretty funny haha. 

Besides that we have had a really awesome week!  We had a really amazing lesson on Monday with one of our new investigators about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. I could really feel the Holy Ghost guiding me during it to know what scriptures to share and what to commit her to do. I haven't felt the Spirit guide me so clearly on what to say as I did at that moment. Hermana Flake and I also had really great companionship unity during it!

We also had an amazing experience with another one of our new investigators on Saturday. She was really sick and needed to go to the hospital, but needed to wait until Monday for some reason. I really felt like we needed to talk about Priesthood blessings, which I had never really taught about before. It ended up being a really amazing lesson where we read with her 3 Nephi 17 about Jesus healing the Nephites. She loved it so much that she asked if we could read it again while we waited for the Elders to come and give her a blessing. I also got to share my experience from the priesthood blessing I got earlier that week before going to the hospital. She had so much faith and the Spirit was so strong during the lesson.

I am just so grateful for my Heavenly Father.  He really is our Father!  I know He is always taking care and watching out for us. I have learned so much about relying on Him these past few weeks, and I am so grateful for it! 

I love you lots! I hope you have a really great week!

Hermana Burgoyne

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