Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A lesson in Repentance!

This week has been good.  Ashley, the 13 year old girl is still planning on getting baptized, but we may have to stop just teaching her and try to start teaching the whole family. Her mom won't give them rides to church which is rough, so we figure we need to reactivate her and then maybe we will be able to get Ashley baptized! Also, we will hopefully have another couple of dates by the end of this week! The 9 year old girl (Naomi)  we are teaching is progressing really well, and her dad who isn't a member is really warming up to us a lot since we found out he was trying to get her to get baptized Catholic, and we taught her a lesson on Priesthood authority. Today we are planning on having a family home evening with their whole family, so we will see what happens. Our goal is to get the father and maybe even the grandparents interested too, so we will see how that goes.  They've all investigated at one point or another because the uncle and the girl’s mom are both members. They all live in the same house. We also have another investigator named Patricia.  She is really sweet and half her family is LDS. Apparently her husband is too, but inactive and we didn't even know he was a member. We invited her to be baptized 2 weeks ago, and she is praying about it right now, so hopefully we will have a date with her by the end of the week!

Other news! We have transfers this week!! We got calls on Saturday morning while at service. Hermana Budge is going to New Mexico to serve with a Hermana from El Salvador.  My new companion is going to be Hermana Flake. I've heard she is really fun and bubbly.  She's a sister training leader, so I guess that means that we will be going on a lot of exchanges, but that should be fun! I will get to know a lot of people! I am super excited though!

We were super close to hitting standards this week, which is good! Also we had some really fun lessons with Naomi and her little sisters. This week the elders went with their uncle to go through the temple for the first time, so they left their car at their house to drive up all together.  Whenever missionaries happen upon another companionships car you obviously have to leave sticky notes or something all over it. However we didn't have any, so we asked the little girls if they did and they decided that we should probably just draw all over it with expo marker since it's a white truck. So they had a lot of fun with that, and we turned it into a great object lesson on repentance haha :).

Also the other day we were trying to drop by one of our former investigators, and when we were walking up the stairs to her apartment I saw this 18 year old guy sitting on the other stairs.  He was looking over at us, and I just had this feeling that we needed to go talk to him, but I was kinda scared.  However just as I was about to go up the stairs he called over to us and asked us to share with him what was in our "Bible."  We walked over to him and he puts his cigarette out and turns off his music then shakes both of our hands and asks to see one of our Book of Mormons.  He spoke English, and the ones we carry are in Spanish so we told him we can go get an English one for you.  He took one of them and just started reading the introduction. We were trying to explain to him what it was, but I was really surprised that he seemed pretty content to just read.  Once he was done, he was like that's nice thanks for letting me look at it.  Then he shook both of our hands again and said God bless you. We managed to ask him if he wanted us to send some missionaries over with an English Book of Mormon.  He agreed and showed us where he lived. It was really strange, because it's not often people ask to hear your message here. But definitely a blessing!

Also I was reading in 2 Nephi 33 this week and I love verse 10 and how it tells us 3 times to believe in Christ and how if we don't believe in the Book of Mormon to believe in Christ.  If we believe in Him we will know it is true, because it testifies of Christ and teaches us to do good. I love that. It's so silly to me that people don't want to accept the Book of Mormon because they think it is "of the devil". I mean all it teaches is good and it teaches you to believe in Christ. There is a really good institute talk that explains 10 reasons why to believe Joseph Smith was a prophet and one of the reasons is why in the world if the Book of Mormon was evil and that Joseph Smith just made it up would Satan tell him to testify of Jesus Christ and encourage people to believe in Him. That would literally make no sense. I just wish all people would give it a try, because if they just read it with real intent they would know that it's true.

I love you all a lot! I hope you have a good week! Thanks for everything!
Hermana Burgoyne

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