Monday, October 3, 2016

Conference was great!

This week has been super busy, yet I feel like we had a lot of free time so I'm not sure how that works! This week we taught Dylan pretty much the rest of the lessons, and she should be good to go for her baptism this Friday! I'm super excited for her! I've absolutely loved teaching both her and Isabella.  They're like my little sisters, except not quite as great! Dylan is super funny. Earlier this week we had to teach her about the law of chastity, and she was just blushing the whole time haha. We kept teasing her because there is a little boy in our Ward that she talked about a lot. Anyways she's super sassy and likes to talk a lot! But we love her! Also it's been super awesome to be able to go over to her actual house to teach her every day, because her mom is getting more and more friendly with us! She still hasn't sat in on any of the lessons, buts she's been listening and her heart is definitely softening!


Other good news is that we were able to visit with Liz this week and share a little message with her. The good things was that Priscilla actually talked to us, and she told me that every time we visit she starts to doubt her decision to stop going to church. Right there I testified to her of the blessings of the gospel and invited her to read her patriarchal blessing and come back to church. She said she'd be willing to listen to a message from us at some point! The Spirit was super strong, and I know her heart will soften more with time!


Then our last miracle was when we went to go see the Ruvalcaba family and the father who sometimes pretends to be too sick to come see us finally came out, and we had a lesson with him and his son. He has some things keeping him from going to church, but I'm sure with time we will be able to help him and his family come back!


Also this week we had a billion dinner and lunch appointments which was good, but I don't think we've cooked at our apartment for 2 weeks and our food there is going bad haha. A lady in our Ward that the elders visit took us all out to get sushi since elder Brian is going home Wednesday. It was good! It just think it's funny that I think I only had sushi once before my mission, and on my mission I can't even count how many times I've had it haha, but I'm starting to like it!


Conference was super awesome! I really loved the talk by Elder Cornish about how we shouldn't compare ourselves to others whether it's thinking less or more of our selves! It really changed my perspective of how I should think of myself and those I associate with! Also I loved the talk about the Book of Mormon. The whole time I kept thinking about how grateful I am that my parents have raised me reading it daily as a family, and I've definitely seen it change my life and bless me! I love you lots! I hope you have a great week!

Con amor,

Hermana Burgoyne 

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