Monday, September 19, 2016

God blesses us every single day

Not much new is happening tomorrow. Hermana Delgado and I are going to stay together this transfer, so I can finish training her and I guess we'll see if I stay here or go somewhere else for my last transfer. I'm excited to finally get to stay with a companion for more than one transfer though! Also the elders are both staying, but they are getting a new missionary tomorrow so they will trio train until Elder Brian leaves on the 5th. It'll be nice to have another missionary down here besides us four!

We had some really cool miracles this week! So originally Isabella was scheduled to be baptized this Saturday on the 24th, but we had been debating all week whether or not to delay it because she hadn't been reading all week. We were a bit stressed because come Thursday night she still hadn't read and I had pretty much given up on the idea of her getting baptized this week, but a little thought in the back of my mind just told me to keep having faith and that somehow some miracle would happen and God would help her be prepared for next week. It's funny because I think this has happened with every baptism on my mission, so I figured it could happen again. So late Saturday night we got a text from her finally telling us she had been reading, and then she did again on Sunday! Then we talked to our Ward mission leader and he told us he thinks she's ready! Soooooo she's getting baptized this Saturday at 12 with one of the elder’s investigators named Angelica! We're super excited and hopefully everything goes as planned!

Also this week we also had a cool lesson with Claudia and her son Angel. We were teaching them and all of a sudden her son was just like I want to get baptized and we were like oh ok cool! So we set a date with him. The only thing is he is 8 so he's not going to be a convert baptism, but it's still pretty cool that although his mom has been less active since before he was born he still has that desire!

Then Wednesday we finally got to see Monica again and we talked a little bit about the Plan of Salvation and read Moroni 8 with her. I just love teaching her, because she has so many good questions and can relate so well to the gospel! Right now she's still debating between us and a Christian church in the area.  Hopefully, we will help her to pray and get an answer! I just know the gospel will bless her life so much!

Then last of all Sunday was good! We had a few people at church! This man named Eric came who is taking lessons from some sisters up in Green Valley, but they have been telling us to keep a look out for him. We got to sit by him and explain a lot to him. He seems super ready to accept the gospel. He had so many questions and had a journal with him and was asking about how people prepare to give talks and in priesthood he even pulled the elders aside and had them answer a bunch of questions for him! Also guess what?  He lives in our area! The only awkward thing is that he works in the area of the other sisters, so they have been meeting with him there and I'm not so sure if they want to pass him off to us.... sooo we will have to find a way to convince them that since he lives in our area and is going to our ward we should probably be the ones visiting him, so we can bring members to fellowship him. So hopefully that works out! 

Anyways that's about it for this week! I'm super grateful for the how God blesses us every single day and that if we will look for it we will always see His hand in our lives! I love you lots!



Hermana Burgoyne 

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