Monday, April 18, 2016

Exciting News!

I absolutely love Hermana Parker, we get along super well so it's great! Sisters do leave Tucson.  I've just happened to been transferred to the only Spanish areas in Tucson my whole mission. I will probably leave Tucson in July I think..... There is the chance though that I go back to the Eldorado ward again to serve in a different area, but I'm pretty sure that won't happen. Our investigators are doing great!
This week was a bit slow, we had a lot of fun adventures. On Tuesday we went to the food bank.  It was funny because they had a bunch of habaneros there, and so all 8 of us missionaries ate one and we were all crying. Then Hermana Parker jumped a fence and broke her toe.
On Wednesday we had a really awesome lesson with a new investigator that we met while teaching a less active family. She is pretty cool and really has a desire to learn. It was a really cool experience for me though, because I was just super duper tired and didn't really want to teach all too much.  However, then I just prayed quietly to myself and asked God to help me teach and have the spirit with us. Anyways it ended up being one of the most beautiful lessons. The spirit was super strong, and I almost started crying talking about our Savior, and the first vision. It was super awesome! But then it got really awkward, because she decided she had the gift of tongues and started blabbering and the spirit totally left the room. We are working with her still and think we can help her, but it was strange when she tried to speak in tongues.  It really taught me the difference between the spirit and not the spirit.
The really awesome news of the week! For one we are going to the temple tomorrow! I'm super excited! Also next week Elder Holland is coming for a mission conference.  No big deal! I'm only about to scream.   I'm so excited!!!! 😀😀😀
Anyways I love you a lot! I hope you have a really great week!

Hermana Burgoyne

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