Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter!

For Easter we were given more candy than we need haha. There's this little boy in our ward who is about Elsie’s age, and he's seriously the cutest sweetest little kid.  Every Sunday him and his family show up to sacrament meeting, and he runs strait to us no matter if sacrament has already started and gives us a piece of candy. Last Sunday he ran to us with a bag of Easter eggs, and he was running into all the old ladies in our row. 
First of the week started super super slow, but its ok! We saw God's hand every single day. Monday we tried a bunch of people, but we couldn't find anyone home. I felt prompted to go try his former that we had tried a few times, but was never home. Anyways we went and tried her, because we still needed to teach the restoration for the day and she was there! Now we are teaching her!
Then Tuesday the same thing happened. It was getting pretty late, and we were trying to find someone to teach the restoration to, so we prayed and for some reason the only person we could think of was a less active who we had started teaching even though she was probably working or busy. Anyways we tried her, and there she was!
Wednesday we had an awesome lesson with Ana our investigator, and we decided to teach her the Word of Wisdom, and turns out she's already living it! So that was cool! She is super awesome hopefully she can get baptized soon!
Thursday we knocked, because we were out of people to visit. We decided to try a trailer park with a bunch of less actives and formers in it. We tried it and one of the first trailers we knocked we didn't even get past saying our names, and she just let us straight in! We taught this lady named Edelia the restoration, and we are going to visit her again Saturday!
Saturday was women's conference and also our day to go finding. We were just going through our ward list, and we saw the name for this member named Veronica. We went to go try her, and we knocked on her door and saw this lady inside get up and walk to the other door, so we walked over to it and she opened the door and all of a sudden 7 Chihuahua's came running and barking at us! I literally thought I was going to be eaten! Anyways turns out she wasn't trying to rudely tell us that she didn't want to hear our message, but that they were actually kind of wimpy dogs and more scared of us then we were of them. We ended up teaching her the restoration, and it went really well! Then we tried a few more less actives latter that night, and had a lesson with a boy our age who wants to come back and set an appointment with another part member family!
Sunday was probably my favorite! We went less active finding again and had a super huge miracle! We tried this family on our list, and when we got there we saw this couple outside of the trailer. They weren't the people we were looking for.  We contacted them, and honestly we were kinda expecting to be told that they weren't interested in hearing our message, but to our surprise the man whose name is Angel said that he wanted to hear our message! He told us how 2 days ago he realized that he felt something was missing in his life, and he wanted to become better and give himself over to God. So he was praying and telling God about how he didn't know what church to go to or how to get closer to Him, but he was asking Him for guidance. He told us he was super surprised that God answered his prayer so quickly! That was just so cool because it just truly shows that God is watching over us and answering our prayers. Not only was us showing up to that families house a miracle to Angel, but also to me. I had been feeling a bit discouraged that day, but God guided us to someone who needed His message. We were able to share with them the little Easter video and both Angel and his wife Maricela loved it! We have an appointment with them for next Sunday :)
 I'm so grateful for the restored gospel and that through it we can receive a new life. Because of what our Savior did for us we can become clean and change no matter how far astray we have gone. I'm so grateful for the chance to help others realize this and help forwards God's work. I love you and hope you have an amazing week!

Hermana Burgoyne

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