Monday, November 9, 2015

Just Peachy!

I am doing really great! I feel totally recovered from my surgery which is great, but now I have a cold, so that is fun hahaha.

This week we extended a baptism date for December 5th with our investigator Oyuki. She is super awesome! We are teaching both her and her family, and they are so ready to embrace the Gospel. I will most likely be out of the area I am in by then, but hopefully I will be close enough to go to the baptism! Tonight we are planning on extending that same date to her children and hopefully her husband!

This week we stressed out a bit because we had visited her almost every day, but then we were super late to our appointment on Friday.  I had accidentally told her that we were going to be there 30 minutes earlier than we had planned with them the night before and didn't realized it until it was already past that time, so she wasn't home when we got there. Then we weren't able to get in contact with her until Sunday morning. We almost had a heart attack because we knocked on her door and no one answered.  We didn't think that they heard because we could hear them.  I knocked louder and it took them a really long time to answer.  We almost gave up and thought they were no longer interested because we had tried calling and texting all weekend, but right when we were about to leave she answered and let us come in! Tonight we are going to teach them about baptism with the member who referred them to us, so hopefully it will go good!

Awkward story of the week. We were knocking in a trailer park where we have a few members living, and it was going super awesome. We had a bunch of lessons and actually got 2 new investigators which is super exciting! Anyways we went back to where we had parked and decided to knock one last door before we went to our appointment. We knock and this lady answers and gets all excited because she had been praying that the LDS missionaries would come back and teach her son.  He had been investigating for a year, then he got into some bad stuff and dropped them. Anyways we showed up, and she was super excited and her son comes out and we are like sweet we are going to teach him a lesson.  Then he started asking us if we were single and how old we are and we told him well we are missionaries we are fully dedicated to the Lord so that doesn't really matter.  We try to teach him, but all he was interested in doing was showing off to us. Finally, we are about to leave, and he turns to me says you're really attractive, you are a ten out of ten, as cute as a peach. I just blushed and said thanks we are late to an appointment bye! We did however convince him to go to church on Sunday! Also luckily for us, he's not hispanic so we get to pass him back to the YSA Elders! Anyways that was super awkward.

On a good note, we had Zone conference this week! It was really spiritual and awesome! President Passey gave a training on setting goals which was really good. He decided to lower the standards of excellence because no one has been hitting them, which I totally understand.   We are still going to go for the old ones, because Hermana Flake and I have been super close to hitting them each week and it's a good stretching goal for us. Then, Sister Passey gave one on how we need to keep our studies focused on our investigators. It was really awesome, because sometimes it is easy to spend half our studies on ourselves, and then other half focusing on those we teach, but ever since we've started focusing on those we are teaching more we've received a lot of revelation on what to teach out investigators. Now we are seeing even more blessings! There was even a moment when Hermana Flake and I had planned to teach one of our new investigators the plan of salvation, but we had both been studying Alma 7:10-13.  The whole time we both had been thinking of her and decided to change our lesson to that. It ended up being a really great lesson, and I even realized that last week I had felt prompted to read that with her, and had given it to her to read before out next visit. The Spirit was super strong!

At Zone Conference we also learned about teaching people, not lessons. I loved it because we had to do a role play which aren't my favorite, but during it I had an insight come to mind about one of our investigators.

Then the last part was my favorite, because we were able to watch the Christmas campaign that they are going to put out this year! It was really amazing! The Spirit was so strong! After, President gave us this 43 day challenge that gives us a bunch of scriptures to study about the Savior to prepare us for Christmas. I am really excited about this because I've been really wanting to strengthen my relationship with Him and this is a great way to do that!

We also did a musical number for it! It was really fun, because I joined last minute. We sang Hallelujah, but a different version where the lyrics are about Christ suffering, dying, and being resurrected. It's really beautiful and I tear up every time I hear it. Elder Gonzalez decided that on the last verse we should start out with one person singing and add another person to it each line. They decided that I should start it out! I was a bit nervous. It ended up going pretty good though especially since I just practiced a few times the morning of. Anyways it was a really beautiful musical number!
That's about it for this week!

I love you a bunch! Thanks for everything!

Hermana Burgoyne

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