Monday, October 19, 2015

Temple groundbreaking and transfers

I am doing really great!! Transfers were good! I am actually really happy about it. My new companion is awesome and really motivated to work. We have been finding a lot of new people to start teaching and it's just been really awesome.

On Tuesday, we got up and went to the transfer site to change companions. Sister Passey gave a really great talk on how being obedient allows us to be worthy of the Spirit.   After the meeting, I went on splits for a little while and then we went to the transfer site, and I met Hermana Flake and we were on our way. It was super fun!  We went to go visit one of the less active ladies in our branch who we had been inviting to fast to help her husband find a new job. It was super awesome because we got there, and I asked her if she was able to fast. She said yes and then went off on a story about how almost immediately after she had fasted for that her husband was able to find work! It was such an amazing miracle! Then we had dinner with our Branch President’s wife which was good like always.

Wednesday we had Zone meeting and did some training on keeping the Sabbath day holy and how to teach people about that. It was really great because our Zone Leaders have been trying to get us to speak in Spanish during all of our meetings.  We haven't been so good at it, but all of us were trying for the most part and I was able to answer a lot of questions in Spanish. It was really funny because I am pretty sure Elder Gonzalez and Elder Stidham didn't think I could say anything in Spanish. Usually, I had tried to avoid speaking it in front of them, so when I would answer questions they would get super excited when I said full sentences in Spanish. 

Then we got a lot of referrals for the English elders that night from knocking a trailer park. There was this one really awesome lady who wasn't at all interested in us beforehand, but we asked her if we could pray for her and she said of course and then afterwards she asked us a bunch about the Book of Mormon.  We were able to have a long discussion about it.   She said I wouldn't normally let strangers pray for me, but you two have really good spirits and I can feel that. It was a really cool experience. We set up an appointment for the elders to come and give her a priesthood blessing the next day. We also met this other teenage boy.  It was a really neat experience because you could tell he had been struggling with a lot, and we were able to bare testimony of the Atonement and we could see his faith in Christ increasing as we were speaking to him. It was awesome.  On the way out of that trailer park, we saw this boy sitting on the side of the road, and I felt prompted that we needed to talk to him.  We turned around and we talked to him about the Book of Mormon, and he told us how he had some cousins that had investigated and joined the church and how much they loved it.  He was super interested so we set up an appointment to see him the next day, but he lived in a different area so we had to refer him to some other Spanish elders in our Zone! But that's ok because at least God is trusting us enough to allow us the opportunity to plant seeds in people!

Then Thursday was awesome too. We did a little bit of knocking. We met some really interesting people of different faiths. There was one boy who just radiated light that we talked to. He was Muslim.  Just meeting someone with so much light in him makes me wish he could have the fullness of the Gospel in his life too. We also were able to meet with Ashley and her little brother (Ashley is the one with the baptism date for next month)

Saturday was the ground breaking for the temple, so we went to watch that at the stake center. It was really awesome because President Uchtdorf was there for it along with 2 members of the 70. They gave really good talks about how important it is for us to remember that our bodies are temples and to have a ground breaking for our hearts, to soften them and to change for the better. It was really great!

Yesterday was probably one of my favorite days, because we were finally able to get Ashley and her family to come to church because it was the primary program. Then our other investigator Naomi came with her dad who we are working on teaching as well!  It was really awesome and an answer to our prayers.
An update on the 18 year old boy. When we contacted him, Hermana Budge wanted to give him to the English elders because he spoke English.  I had a feeling that we needed to hold on to his record and try him again, so I just didn't send the information. Then yesterday we went to go find him, but the address he gave us was wrong or we weren't listening right and turns out he doesn't even live in that apartment complex.  He hangs out around there a lot, so we knocked on the door and the people told us he doesn't live here, but pointed us to his aunt’s apartment where he goes sometimes. She answered the door and wasn't very happy to talk to us. She kept telling us she was Catholic and so was he so they weren't interested. Then Hermana Flake offered to pray for them and the aunt’s heart started to soften, so we said that we could leave our number for him so we gave her one of our Jesus cards with our number on the back.  The Hispanic Catholics love pictures of Jesus, so she thought it was the prettiest thing in the world.  We left 2 other ones just for her and she asked us which church we were from.  We explained about how we are LDS and she said she never heard of it, but she recognized Mormons and so I explained to her what the Book of Mormon was and you could see her countenance change. We were able to leave her with 2 Book of Mormons one is English that she was going to give her nephew and one is Spanish for her.
Anyways that's about it for this week.

Thanks for sending the pictures at the Fort Collins temple.  It looks gorgeous!


Hermana Burgoyne

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