Monday, August 24, 2015

It's raining blessings!

Arizona is great! I really love it here! There are a lot of storms right now. We ended up getting stuck at one of our investigators houses, because the street was a river and it was raining super hard for about an hour! There have also been a lot of lightning storms lately. I love how people think it won't rain in Tucson.  Haha that's funny! It rains a lot and hard.

This week has been really neat! We've had a lot of blessings come our way. I don’t have as many stories to write about this week so this will probably be a little shorter than usual, but lots of blessings! Monday was great! It's crazy how weeks just fly by here. I seriously can't believe it is already P-day, but anyways Monday we went and played sports (sat around) after emails, and then we all went to go get Jamba Juice because we get half off here. Then the elders wanted pizza and out of nowhere Elder Gonzalez said, ok let’s go! I'll pay! He paid for us, and the 2 other elders to go get pizza! So that was fun! Then we went to FHE with this inactive family in our ward and the family I mentioned last week who have both the YW president and YM president and Relief Society president in it. It was a really good lesson! We talked about the talk, Forget Me Not by President Uchtdorf.  I love it and really suggest reading it! 

Tuesday we went with the elders and helped paint another one of the inactives in our ward’s house. It was fun! The blessings started coming that day. While we were painting, the Gospel Principles teacher in our ward called us and gave us a referral.  That was super exciting! We went by their house later that day and tried to visit, but only her son and daughter were home so we decided to try again Wednesday. Then, we went to Mutual to try and get to know the young women better. We also went to go talk to the Branch President about what we could do for the branch. The funny thing is beforehand we got this vibe that the Branch president didn't like us, but ever since we asked him if we could meet with him and since meeting with him, he was been really friendly to us. That's a blessing! Then one of the counselors in the bishopric came up to us and asked us if we would go with him on Saturday to visit one of his students who used to be an investigator.  The funny thing is all of the actives that have been giving us referrals are the ones we haven't been visiting. We've been trying really hard to go visit other members of the ward especially actives so we can get to know the branch better.  The ones we haven't really visited are all of a sudden super friendly to us too! It's kinda crazy!

Wednesday we stopped by the referrals house and she told us to come by later, because she was making cheesecake and so we set up an appointment with her for 7. Then we went and picked up dinner from the Lopez family who had left it at the Branch Presidents wife's house because they weren't going to be home.  We went and took it to the Elders. I got to try Pasole which is basically spine meat soup. It actually tasted really good! Then we rushed over to go meet our new investigator.  She is really sweet and she seems pretty interested. We only got to meet with her for 10 minutes though.  In that time, we learned she has 6 children and we got to meet 3 of them! We are really excited, and although we didn't teach a lesson the Spirit was definitely there! That night, this cousin of one of the less actives we have been trying to get in contact with texted us and asked us to come over.  This was exciting, because we have been praying for that family. We set up an appointment with her for the next day.

Thursday, we had zone conference which was really neat. I learned a lot of new stuff about teaching with the Book of Mormon and having an effective personal study. It was really helpful. Then we tried to go visit the cousin of that one family, but realized we didn't have her address and her phone broke so we couldn't reach her and no one else had her information.  Finally we found it in her progress record, and we were about 2 hours late to visit her.  She was really disappointed that we were different missionaries than before, but she invited us to come back the next day. That night we went over to one of my favorite families houses and had dinner with the Elders in our area.

Friday we studied a lot.   I was getting super anxious to go out, so it was such a blessing to finally get out of the apartment.   We went to go visit the cousin who we found out isn't a member and it was really interesting.... she opened up really fast to us, but she didn't seem especially interested in the gospel. At the end of our visit, she asked us if we could feel the evil spirits in her house and both me and Hermana Budge are like no? She kept going off about how her 2 year old daughter sometimes talks to them. We were thinking she's two. She is probably talking to herself. Anyways she asked us to bless her house. Hermana Budge didn't want to do it, so I ended up praying for her house. That was kind of a funny experience.

Then we went to the Santa Cruzes for dinner. Hermana Santa Cruz had bought me a really cute blue, black, and gray skirt from Costco, so I was pretty excited about that. While we were there, we got to burn Hermana Budge's skirt to mark a year of her being on her mission.  I played frisbee with their dog the whole time. Then we hung back to talk to Hermana Santa Cruz when the Elders left. When we finally left, we were driving down the street and saw the elders parked off to the side and turns out they had been waiting for us and wanted us to come with them, so they could visit some of the single mothers in our branch. So we went to go visit an inactive lady who just moved here who had known Elder Gonzalez from when he was serving in the branch she had just moved in. We were talking to her when her sister showed up, and the Elders ended up teaching her a lesson and got her information for the Hermanas who are over her area.  Now both her sisters are taking the discussions! We also got to visit with a few other families. We were also fasting that day to get more referrals and to be able to start teaching this 9 yr old that I mentioned in previous letters.

Saturday we did weekly planning and tried to visit the student of one of the councilors in the bishopric, but his wife wasn't home so we will try again Wednesday. Then the hermano we were with asked us if we would go visit his family who is part member and his wife who he is separated from. So we got 1 more referral!

Sunday turned out even better! Originally we didn't have dinner plans for that night, but when president figured this out he called up his Mom and asked her to feed us.  We had a really great dinner with them. I got to try menudo (cow stomach soup) which isn't too bad if you just swallow the meet whole and don't chew haha. We had a really great lesson with them. I love their family.  They have the cutest 2 year old daughter, and she likes to give me high-fives all the time. Then at church we got one more referral from the same hermana who gave us one earlier this week, so we are going to go with her to visit her tonight. She also asked us what days she could go with us to teach people, and so we discussed all of the people who need to be visited in the branch and planned pretty much a whole day to go and visit them with her! Also this week we have dinners every single day!

Anyways something that really hit me this week is happiness is all about perspective. We have to choose to be happy no matter what happens. I've realized that I have never really had a bad day on my mission, because I just choose every day to be happy no matter what happens.  My companion and I try to always have fun while we work, and not worry too much if things don't go how we want it to.  It's blessed us so much!

Oh also I love this talk by Neal A Maxwelll from the Priesthood session in 1986. It talks a little about how Jesus didn't just start out knowing everything perfectly and how he learned step by step, just like we need to. Perfection takes work and none of us need to be perfect right now, we just need to work on it. He had to learn how to succor His people like it says in Alma 7:12. We can learn to be like him step by step. I am so grateful for the Gospel. It just make so much sense. I wish that all people could just realize that! Anyways love you!


Hermana Burgoyne

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